The Adored Pets of the Martinez Lab


Lucky (Hang-un in Korean) is Junghwa’s adorable dog! He was born in 2009, making him one of the more senior members of the lab, but also one of the most handsome!


Daisy is Jordan’s childhood dog and the sweetest girl in the world. Daisy’s favorite activity is watching boats zoom by on the Florida Intercoastal Waterway. Even though they live 1000 miles away, Jordan sends Daisy kisses every night via her parents.


Zara (Zar Zar) is Daisy’s little sister. Her job description includes sneaking up and surprising Daisy, bopping Daisy on the nose, and greeting Daisy every time she comes inside. Zar Zar’s favorite game is hide and seek. She’s spunky, but turns into the cutest little purr monster every time you pick her up.